Headline of the day:
Trump threw Saudi Arabia a lifeline after
Khasshogi's death. Two years later, he has gotten
little in return
This is from a story in the Washington Post. I post it because it is kind of a poster child for the Trump presidency in the areas of trade and foreign policy. As long as the other party/country in question is sufficiently sycophantic to Trump, he pretty much lets them do whatever they want without consequence. He then tells us of all the concessions he got from the other party, but they are concessions that only exist in his head. So whether it's China, or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea, or the Eurozone, or anywhere else, the reality is far removed from what exists in the heads of Trump and his cultists.
So the farmers and factory workers and other kool aid drinkers continue to support him and will vote for him even though all his "victories" were really lost long ago.
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