Saturday, December 12, 2020

Saturday Musings


  • I find Joe Biden's appointment of Lloyd Austin as Secretary of Defense troubling because he really isn't a civilian. But he also is on the Board of Directors at Ratheon. That double disqualifies him.

  • One theory I have considered is that SCOTUS dismissed the case without a hearing because they didn't want to have to listen to Ted Cruz for four hours, or however long it takes.

  • As a layperson, my impression of the conservatives on the Wisconsin Supreme Court is that they are amateurish partisan hacks.

  • What centrists say: "We're pragmatists and we get things done."
    What I hear: "The status quo ain't so bad."

  • Quote of the day (Bernie Sanders on Twitter): "Endless money for wars? No problem. Endless money for tax breaks for the rich? No problem. Endless money for corporate welfare? No problem. But when it comes to providing a $1,200 direct payment to the working class during a pandemic, somehow we can't afford it. Not acceptable."

    It's funny how the Neera Tanden wing of the Democratic Party portrays Bernie as some sort of divisive demon. Why is it that on issue after issue--war in Yemen, support for labor unions, civil rights, defending Rep. Omar, income inequality, Israeli policy, death penalty, health care, you name it--Bernie is consistently the first one out of the block speaking the truth? Dems say he isn't a real Democrat, but he is consistently stating views that ought to be core values of the Party.

1 comment:

Chuck DeLaTorre said...

Bernie's enemies think if they attack him personally nobody will hear what he is saying. They know people might agree with him.