- I take every opportunity I can to point out that for many years now the so-called "liberal media" has been trying to create this Nikki Haley person who is some kind of non-Trumpian "reasonable" Republican. She has shown time after time that she is an opportunistic lightweight with no values or morals. The media keep re-spinning it over and over. But the Nikki Haley they try to push on us had never existed. What you see is what you get.
- What they say: "It is crucial to defeat Trump no matter what to save democracy in America." What I hear: "It is crucial for leftists to support the funding and tactics and genocide of Israel's Bibi Trump so that we don't get Donald Trump in the US."
- Tired of the stupid argument that goes something like: "I heard a college kid say some anti-Semitic shit at a protest so that proves that murdering 10,000 or as Palestinian kids is justified.
- Vote shaming is almost exclusively directed to progressives. How about this example? Wisconsin Democrats have pretty much swept all the state-wide elections recently. Except for the US Senate race won by Ron Johnson. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the progressives who split their ballot to vot against the Black guy.