Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wokeness? Not...

 I think I depart with even a lot of liberals in that I don't think "woke" is a thing. Just like I never thought "poliitical correctness" was a thing; nor that "cancel culture" was a thing. And I think it's a mistake to take the position that these really were "things",  just different "things" than the grievance-soaked right-wingers would have you believe. That angle simply plays into their victimhood. It's all a myth, much like the "liberal media".

To wit: I used to read Ross Douthat (back before I canceled my New York Times subsctiption}. I also heard him a few years ago on the "Know Your Enemy" podcast. I thought, "This is a dying breed, a conservative who actually engages in thoughtful, good-faith discussion and argument." A few years later it seemed like he never writes a column anymore that didn't contain some form of the word "woke". To me it's a red flag of intellectual laziness. I don't read him anymore.

This whole right-wing grievance thing is pretty comical in a black-comedy sort of way. America since the Gaza genocide started is very instructive on this. Musk and Ackman and Trump and the ADL would have you believe that American Unversities are run my a woke mob of communists. What we've seen at Columbia, USC, UCLA, and the rest is that, rather, the typical American university is controlled by the same capitalist oligarchs who control the media, Wall Street, and every other aspect of American life.

Woke? No such thing.


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