Friday, May 17, 2024

More Lefties

I got in a quite mild exchange on social media today where the other guy was espousing the tired old framing of how "the left" won't compromise and only want things to go "their way". I don't see how anyone paying attention during the Biden administration hasn't seen that the left have been Biden's most reliable coalition partners, especially on his domestic agenda. To the extent that Biden has been stymied, it has been by the centrist and conservative Dems.

All of Biden's domestic initiatives would have been a hundred times better except for the obstruction by the right flank of the party. A few excellent nominees for the courts and executive positions were defeated by the likes of Warner, Tester, et al (yeah, you can't blame everything on Manchin and Sinema, the neolib centrists are lined up behind them).

So the long and short of it is that you'd get more stuff and better stuff done if you had more lefties and fewer righties.

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