Saturday, May 18, 2024

Under the Bus

All the vote scolders aside, I am really struggling with my vote in 2024. (Full disclosure: I vote in Illinois and it's pretty certain that Biden wins the state no matter how I vote.) I am fully aware of the dangers of Donald Trump.

But Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are aware of this danger, too. So why is it only up to voters to avoid this danger? Why do Biden and the Dems get off the hook when they pursue terrible policies that alienate millions of their potential voters. So here's the thing. At my age, every presidential vote is potentially my last. I understand all the arguments--after all, I've been endlessly lectured by the centrists for all of my 50+ years of voting--but I find it difficult to vote for a guy whose actions support and fund a genocide.

Beyond that, Biden and his spokespersons have pretty much thrown the campus protesters under the bus, calling them antisemitic and showing no empathy or solidarity. The Dems also threw Rep. Tliab under the bus by voting to censure her. And now a majority of House Democrats voted for a bill that essetially labels criticism of Israel as antisemitism.

As I've said before, the left flank of the party have been reliable coalition partners with President Biden. He needs to be reminded that coalition building should go both ways. Throwing your constitiuents and Congressional partners under the bus is not the way to do it.

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