Thursday, September 19, 2024

Nothing New under the Sun

What's new today? Nothing much. Doesn't seem to matter who is in the White House or Congress, 80-90% of things is this country don't change.

Before Obamacare, the US had the worst healthcare in the world. After Obamacare, it's a little less horrible but still the worst in the world.

Israel has now killed over 41,000 Palestinians (certainly an undercount) and the sitting Democratic president is all in. The money and weapons continue to flow uninterrupted. Some people among the inner circle of Democrats assure us that all that will change if Kamala is elected but that's bullshit. She invited a bunch of Republicans and a crazy-ass sheriff to speak at the Democratic Convention, but vetoed an elected Democratic legislator from doing the same. The big donors are in full support of the genocide and that's who decides. Both parties are controlled by rich people, just different ones. Harris has said almost nothing about what her policy would be in Gaza or the West Bank. The Dems have shown zero empathy, much less solidarity, with the anti-genocide protesters. (Cornel West is the only presidential candidate I know of who has. He was actually there among the protesters.) Establishment Democrats have actually gone out of their way to label people oppsed to genocide as antisemitic. (Might as well lock arms with Elise Stefanik.)

Border and immigration policy is essentially unchanged from Trump, the Dems just speak more softly about it, but the policy is just as cruel. Our idiotic Cuba policy is the same as before Biden came into office. Israel and Saudi Arabia assassinate American journalists. Neither Trump nor Biden have held anyone accountable.

We get lectures from the centrists and the Hillary Clintons of the world about not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Well, that's the reason we end up with crappy policies like those above. If a Trump presidency would be dangerous (and I agree that it would), that's all the more reason to do more than say "I'm not Trump".

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