Sunday, September 29, 2024

Widening War

Israel has expanded the war in the Mideast by bombing the center of the the city of Beirut. The Biden Administration's first response was to reaffirm the US's total commitment to Israel, citing the tired and weary "right defend itself" argument. The only problem is that a high proportion of those from whom Israel seems to be defending itself are children and other civilians. (Israel is now bombing Lebanon, Gaza, and Yemen, as well as killing an increasing number of West Bank residents, not to mention American journalists)

The Administration's other response was to announce that the US would be enhancing its military presence in the Mideast. Hurray for Forever Wars. (Remember that Biden's pick for Secretary of Defense is from Raytheon, one of our bigger war profiteers.) I have been reading story after story over the past year in main stream media about how Biden is trying to keep this from spreading to a region-wide war. This, of course, is total bullshit. Israel wants such a war. Not only is he doing nothing to contain it; the US continues to fund the genocide and carnage, with no strings.

The United States--and most disturbingly the Democratic Party--is absolutely complicit in this. I don't even want to hear about how it would be worse if Trump were president. He's not president, but as far as our Mideast policy is concerned, he might as well be. Absent some sort of strong statement from Kamala Harris, I can't vote for her.


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