Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Would Right Wingnuts Support a "Do Not Treat" List?

Floyd Norris' blog in today's Times business section has a nice idea.  It seems to address all of the (nonexistent) constitutional problems the Right has invented.  Just have a "Do Not Treat" list.

Somehow, I don't see them accepting it.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

More Lies from Christian Life Resources

Christian Life Resources website has printed more lies about the long ago debunked "death panels".  (Patient Denied Medical Treatment Dies After Rationing)
Connecting this to the Affordable Healthcare Act is pure fiction.  (Note to Christian Life Resources:  the fact that you use the term "Obamacare" is intentionally disrespectful and shows once again that you are improperly engaging the organization in partisan politics.)

Where were you when (Republican) Governor Brewer cut the transplant list in Arizona and people died (  This was real rationing and real people died and nary a whimper out of Christian Life Resources. You were apparently too busy whining about death panels that do not exist to notice the ones that actually do.  You have repeatedly denied partisanship, but your actions continually prove you wrong.

You should be ashamed that you have once again engaged in misrepresentation to further your political point of view.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Trayvon Martin

Make no mistake about it:  to those gun nuts who think the whole populace should be armed, and for those who advocated for "stand your ground" laws, this is exactly the type of America they wanted.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Signs That the Right Wing Lemmings Have Taken the Republican Party over the Cliff

  • I am nostalgic for moderates like William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan.
  • The party of Lincoln now believes that the wrong side won the Civil War.
  • Ayn Rand and the John Birch Society represent the core beliefs of the party.
  • Grover Norquist and Rush Limbaugh appear to be the accepted spokespersons for the party.
  • The Christian Right used to be (sorta) Christian;  now it worships the triune god of gun rights, American Exceptionalism, and supply-side economics.  (Can you say "secular humanism"???)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Some Apolitical Good News for a Change

Dire Poverty Falls Despite Global Slump, Report Finds
Published: March 6, 2012
A World Bank report shows that the global recession, contrary to economists’ expectations, did not increase poverty in the developing world.
See the whole article: