Monday, September 30, 2019

Last Day of September

First post in a while. Random thoughts.
  • Some (not all) political commentators misread the polls concerning impeachment. They mistakenly infer that those opposed to impeachment will be more likely to vote for Trump if he is impeached. I doubt that. There may be a handful, but I think there is a significant number of avid Trump opponents who are/were simply not convinced that a strong enough case could be made for impeachment. I believe that because--until a few days ago--I was one of them. I am not anymore.
  • The National Rifle Association, Federalist Society, Family Research Council, and RNC have become indistinguishable. These groups have lost everything associated with their original raison d'etre, and have instead become just generic partisan (i.e., Republican, esp, Trumpian) hacks.
  • Quote of the Day: "I ask the political economists and the moralists if they have ever calculated the number of individuals who must be condemned to misery, overwork, demoralization, degradation, rank ignorance, overwhelming misfortune and utter penury in order to produce one rich man." --- Almeida Garrett (epigraph to José Saramago's novel, Raised from the Ground).
  • The headline for this article in The Washington Post is: "As backlash fears fade, major [Wall Street] firms are returning to Saudi Arabia a year after Khashoggi's killing". Pop quiz: Q. What is the moral difference between Donald Trump and Wall Street? A. Not one single thing.