Sunday, April 22, 2018

Some Things I Believe

Here are a few things I believe to be true. I present them without proof or justification.  I can do that because it's my blog.
  • Political Correctness is not a thing. It doesn't exist.
  • White Privilege, on the other hand, is a real thing.
  • Donald Trumpp isn't our problem. The Republican Party is our problem.
  • Everyone should introduce themselves to Modern Monetary Theory. The basics of the theory aren't that wonkish. You will discover how much you've been misled about economics--specifically about deficits and the national debt--your whole life.
  • My kids' generation is a lot smarter than my generation. And their kids' generation will be smarter than them.
  • My first reaction to the DNC suing Russia et al is that it's a dumb idea.