Saturday, November 21, 2020

Biden Needs the Left

From Jamelle Bouie's opinion piece (here) in today's New York Times:

We now know that Biden will be president, but he won’t have the votes for F.D.R.-size legislation. This doesn’t mean he’s dead in the water, but it does mean that Biden will have to marshal every resource and rely on every possible ally to win whatever victories he can. And he should know, as Roosevelt did, that this means grappling with the left — all of the left, including its most radical edges.


There was no building the American welfare state without the left, and if it’s to be rebuilt, the left will have to be part of it. Democrats, especially would-be heirs to F.D.R., should take care to remember that fact.
Social Security would not exist today without the acivism of the left (yes, this includes Communists) in the 1930s.

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