Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday Opinions

  • Iowa's governor just issued a mask order. It's pretty clear she waited longer than she should have because she didn't want to piss off Trump before the election. More people will be dead because of that.
  • Trump's call to that Michigan election board member was very Maduro-like. I think the US has lost whatever moral high ground it ever thought it had (which was never nearly that much in the eyes of the rest of the world anyway). It'll be nice to have the Mar-a-Lago mafia out of the White House.
  • I really hope that the Dems win both of the Senate seats in Georgia, but I have no illusions of what that would mean in practice. We have Manchin, Sinema, and others who would constrain a lot of good things. It wasn't Republicans who made the ACA less that it could have been; it was the centrist Democrats.
  • Republicans aren't satisfied with suppressing the Black vote before the election. Now they are trying to suppress it after the election, too. Then they pretend their tender feelings are hurt when they are accused of racism. Well, it quacks like a duck, so there you go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You maybe have seen that a bipartisan group of Midwest governors (IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, OH) posted a video on Facebook about the pandemic. I though Iowa’s absence was glaring and telling.