Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thanksgiving Eve

  • So a bunch of authoritarian countries in the Middle East have gotten together and made some kind of diplomatic agreements--some of which seem pretty cosmetic and meaningless--and this is some sort of good thing? Yawn.
  • I am to the left of all of Biden's Cabinet picks, but Biden is the one the Democratic voters wanted in the primary, and the American voters wanted in the general, so these picks are as good as we're gonna get. But I find it comical to have Republican Ivy League grads lecturing us about elitist picks (especially since Trump's Cabinet was full of elitist Ivy Leaguers and Wall Streeters).
  • this President descends deeper and deeper into lunacy--with the quiet approval of 90% of Republican politicians--he expects us to believe that this unhinged guy living in an alternate universe has won a trade war with China and made the United States respected once more? The four-year shit show is coming to an end, but don't ever think that we have reached bottom.

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