Sunday, November 22, 2020

  • Letter to the Editor in the Times: "Irony of ironies. If Donald Trump had spent a fraction of the energy on fighting Covid-19 as he has trying to overturn the election, he would have won the election."

    Bobbie Kaplan
    New York

  • Of all the "farmers" that got welfare checks from the Vote Buyer in Chief, what percentage voted for Trump in 2020? I'd guess in the 95+% area. All we got from Obama was free phones. Ain't capitalism grand?

  • Kudos to the one Michigan Republican who wasn't bullied by Trump and his cultees into not doing his duty. (Pretty bad when you have to congratulate someone for doing his routine duty, but here we are.)

  • Most of Biden's Cabinet picks seem okay so far. He does have to get them by the Senate, so there is that constraint.

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