Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Random Bullets

  • When I chalk up the Senate scorecard, I mentally disregard the Doug Jones loss in Alabama. He never should have had the seat. Any Republican who wasn't a child  molester would have won the seat in the special election. It was good while it lasted but it was a one-off fluke. So I regard this year's election as +2 for the Dems. Still not great, unless we get awfully lucky in Georgia (or Alaska?).
  • If Biden manages to squeak it out in Arizona it's gonna be by a toenail. If he does hang on there, it will be by fewer votes than in Georgia. 
  • I know I am just a legal layperson, but it sure seems to me that the concept of "standing" is something that is conjured case-by-case, depending on where you want to end up.
  • If the entire ACA is thrown out, doesn't that eliminate all the money the Feds are currently sending to the states for Medicaid. That would be bad at any time but with Covid draining state coffers, this would be utterly disastrous for many/most states.

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